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Find SQL Server Database Data and Log File Size in GB

SELECT DB_NAME([database_id])AS [Database Name],

[file_id], name, physical_name, type_desc, state_desc,

CONVERT( bigint, size/128000.0) AS [Total Size in GB]

FROM sys.master_files


-- Things to look at:

-- Are data files and log files on different drives?

-- Is everything on the C: drive?

-- Is TempDB on dedicated drives?

-- Is there only one TempDB data file?

-- Are all of the TempDB data files the same size?

-- Are there multiple data files for user databases?

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Xiaogang Zheng
Xiaogang Zheng
Oct 21, 2022

Where is the 128000.0 coming from? 1024*1024/8 = 131072. You just use a roughly value or has some reason? If use roughly value, why don't use 130000?

Kunal Ranpura
Kunal Ranpura
Oct 21, 2022
Replying to

Hi Zheng,

CONVERT( bigint, size/128000.0) will give the ballpark value. The exact value you will get by (1024*1024)/8 = 131072, you have to remove the convert function.

However since we are converting it to bigint in this query, it will take the nearest integer value.

Please see the description at

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